...restoring meaning to relationships in medicine

We help doctors restore meaning and purpose to their relationships. The good news is that doctors do not have a higher divorce rate than the general population. The bad news is they are often less happy in their marriages.
Our program uses materials and teaches content that integrates modern research to enhance your marriage. Coaching is available nationwide using Zoom
One recent study showed that “divorce among physicians is less common than among non-healthcare workers and several health professions”. It appears that women doctors do have a higher prevalence of divorce than male physicians, possibly due to the effect of the hours worked. Marital difficulties can increase the possibility of career dissatisfaction and burnout and increases the risk that physicians and their spouses will experience depression, drug abuse, suicide, alcoholism, and other emotional and psychiatric problems.
Physicians and their spouse, or partner, also experience the issues that any couple can experience, like sexual dysfunction or communication problems. In addition, they must cope with the stress imposed by the modern practice of medicine. When physicians and their partners are not getting along, everyone suffers and the result can be devastating.
It is sometimes assumed that physician's long work hours cause marital problems but the truth is that their excessive work is often caused by their desire to escape troubles at home.
Marital difficulties often increase career dissatisfaction and burnout which in turn can lead to depression, anxiety and excessive use of alcohol or other drugs. Dr, Hudson has extensive experience in marital counseling and marriage therapy. Today he offers the benefits of marriage coaching exclusively for physicians. In addition to his medical degrees and masters in mental health counseling, he is authorized as a Gottman Seven Principles Program Leader and has completed Level I Training in Gottman Method Couples Therapy.
Our services also include coaching for anger management and disruptive physician coaching, burnout and stress reduction, marital & relationship coaching, malpractice support, time management, conflict resolution, career & retirement coaching, executive coaching, emotional intelligence, communication and interpersonal skills coaching for physicians.