...restoring meaning to relationships in medicine

We offer confidential marriage coaching for physicians and their partners. Dr. Hudson has extensive experience as a marriage counselor and therapist. He is the only coach and physician in the United States authorized by the Gottman Institute as a Seven Principles Program Educator and has completed Level I Training in Gottman Method Couples Therapy.
Many couples find themselves in a marriage that is less than satisfying but want to preserve and improve the marriage for their own sake as well as children. In a situation like this marriage coaching is often helpful. Coaching assumes you are already doing some things well and just want to do better. The aim is to maximize your performance and get the most out of your marriage.This is not just a matter ofimproving communication, although this may help. More important is learning how to nurture your relationship and find creative ways to solve problems.
Sessions can be live or by Zoom. In addition, Coaching for Physicians offers intensive coaching at Dr. Hudson’s uptown office location in Albuquerque. For an additional fee and expenses, Dr. Hudson will come to you and provide one-on-one, confidential marathon coaching intensives in your home, office or other location.
As a physician coach, Dr. Hudson developed his skills as a therapist but today acts more as a facilitator and educator helping couples reach their full potential. The emphasis is shifted from a focus on the past to one focussed on the future. The goal is to help couples actualize their own vision of what they wanttobe and re-ignite the affection and love that was present when they first married.
REFERENCES & COMMENTS: “As a physician, Dr. Hudson understands the unique training and experiences associated with a career in medicine. As a board-certified coach, he is able to contextualize that complexity and offer real-life solutions, not just surviving—but thriving—in the industry…Dr. Hudson created an environment that encouraged candid and open dialogue about difficult issues like social relationships and burnout…Patrick Hudson is skilled in many aspects of physician coaching …I would encourage any physician or healthcare team to consider partnering with Dr.Hudson to bring his specialized approach to supporting physicians in the important work that they do.” Administrator/Idaho